"With lovingkindness to His own,
With mercies full and free,
The blessed Saviour satisfies,
He satisfieth me.
He satisfies the longing soul,
His hungry sheep are fed,
To pastures green He leadeth them,
By waters still they're led.
With marrow and with fatness, and
With honey from the Rock,
The Shepherd ever satisfies,
And careth for His flock.
My people shall be satisfied,
'Tis God who speaks the Word,
My goodness and My mercies will
Be with them, saith the Lord.
For riches cannot satisfy,
Nor gold nor silver can,
'Tis only Jesus satisfies,
And fills the heart of man.
He satisfies continually,
Each moment of the day,
His love can fill your longing soul,
And care for you alway.
Oh yes! My Saviour satisfies,
As nothing else can do;
The Chiefest of ten thousand,
He Can satisfy you too.
The altogether lovely One,
O won't you taste and see?
For Jesus ever satisfies, He satisfieth me. "
-- Author unknown