Friday, August 31, 2007

Was This the Site of One of Jesus' Most Famous Sermons?

Many believe this cove is where Jesus preached His "Sower" message (John 4: 1-41), which included the lamp-under-a-bushel parable and the mustard-seed parable -- and where He later in the day, while crossing the water with his Disciples, miraculously stilled the storm.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Did the Holy Family Gaze Upon This Sight?

I sometimes think about the Holy Family's flight into Egypt, to escape King Herod's wrath. I wish we had a more detailed account of their sojourn there. Do you think they might have traveled near, and actually seen, the pyramids? (Allow for time-zone diffs.)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Miracles of Jesus

Hello, all. Happy Tuesday! Click below and you will find a place that very neatly lists all the miracles Jesus performed during His earthly Ministry (His raising of the dead and casting out of demons ALWAYS gives me chills wherever I see it, ALWAYS -- in text, movies ... wherever):

Monday, August 20, 2007

What Did Jesus Look Like?

Well, apparently He had greyish eyes, for starters. Included in this FABULOUS site are several contemporary descriptions of Him, including an actual true-life silhouette (see 'The Emerald of Caesar.') But the first account, by a Roman official to the Roman Senate, is my favorite -- although Pontius Pilate's report to Caesar gives me happy goosebumps, too.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Daily Life in the Time of Christ

Ever wonder what everyday life was like in the Holy Land when
Jesus walked the earth? This is a great site that tells about the
food, clothing, political climate, economics, etc. Very, very informative ...

The Disciples

Here's a neat site with lots of FAQs about the Twelve who left it all behind to follow Jesus. (Lucky them!)