Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Jesus & Women"

"In first-century Palestine, the way Jesus treated women was considered revolutionary."

The Messiah fully loved and respected E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E, regardless of social norms ... All are His children!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"The Miracles of Jesus Christ"

Here is a dream come true for anyone wanting to learn more about the miracles Jesus performed. They are categorized by title and you click through to the one you want to study -- written in modern-day, easily readable Biblical format. It is also explained what each miracle reveals about Our Savior and how we can apply each specific teaching to better our everyday lives. Wonderful, wonderful!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Travels and Acts of Jesus"

"The travels and acts of Jesus have been compiled from 'Gospel Harmonies.' Although there are discrepancies, the following itineraries and maps give an indication of Jesus' movements over these three years."

(Just follow the numbers on the maps -- VERY educational.)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"He Satisfies"

"With lovingkindness to His own,
With mercies full and free,
The blessed Saviour satisfies,
He satisfieth me.

He satisfies the longing soul,
His hungry sheep are fed,
To pastures green He leadeth them,
By waters still they're led.

With marrow and with fatness, and
With honey from the Rock,
The Shepherd ever satisfies,
And careth for His flock.

My people shall be satisfied,
'Tis God who speaks the Word,
My goodness and My mercies will
Be with them, saith the Lord.

For riches cannot satisfy,
Nor gold nor silver can,
'Tis only Jesus satisfies,
And fills the heart of man.

He satisfies continually,
Each moment of the day,
His love can fill your longing soul,
And care for you alway.

Oh yes! My Saviour satisfies,
As nothing else can do;
The Chiefest of ten thousand,
He Can satisfy you too.

The altogether lovely One,
O won't you taste and see?
For Jesus ever satisfies, He satisfieth me. "

-- Author unknown

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Mary, the Mother of Jesus"

Linked below you will find the most fabulous, thorough, but easy-to-read website I have yet seen about the Holy Virgin. If you are studying Our Lady in any manner, this is the place to start. Be sure and click through all the pages -- fascinating!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"What Jesus Said on the Cross"

This is a very insightful, well-written treatise that examines the sayings of Our Lord during His crucifixtion.

The last paragraph gave me goosebumps (literally):

"Jesus always had a soft spot in his heart for people who wanted to improve their lives. One of the most considerate statements he made while on the cross served to show that second chances are always possible. While speaking with a thief who had been condemned to die beside him, Jesus admires the man's faith in his ministry, despite the fact that he was a criminal responsible for living a sinful life. He encourages the man, as they are both near death, by saying, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43)."

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Jesus as the Rose of Sharon"

Is Jesus the Rose of Sharon talked about in the Old Testament?

This deep-thinking writer certainly seems to think so:

"I feel like God may be trying to tell us that Jesus will go one step further. Instead of Jesus being the one who would 'give' us the flowers as we have in our normal human relationships, Jesus is actually referred to as the flower itself! And with the rose being the most perfect of all flowers, God is telling us that His Son Jesus is the Rose of Sharon rather than just having Him be the One to just give us this rose flower due to His perfect nature and perfect love that He has for all of us."

More of this insightful discussion at the link.

Monday, June 1, 2009

"What does it mean to pray in Jesus' name?"

What does it really mean? That, if we pray hard enough and 'right' enough, we will get whatever we want? This has evidently been a stumper for many folks -- especially me. Good little article.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


This is my favorite hymn ever -- the site includes lyrics and photos of the composers, as well as an inspirational old story about its universal appeal:

"One of the most dra­ma­tic in­stanc­es of [this hymn’s] use was found in the ex­per­i­ence of the Rev. E. P. Scott in In­dia. His friends had urged him not to ven­ture near a cer­tain bar­bar­ous in­land tribe, whom he wished to evan­gel­ize. But he went forth with high cour­age, ne­ver wa­ver­ing in his du­ty, and trust­ing in God to pro­tect him. When at last he reached their coun­try among the hills, he came up­on a com­pa­ny of these sav­ag­es. Im­me­di­ate­ly they sur­round­ed him, point­ing their spears at him with threat­en­ing scowls. He had no­thing in his hand but his vi­o­lin; and so, clos­ing his eyes, he be­gan to play and sing, 'All Hail the Pow­er of Je­sus’ Name.' When at last he opened his eyes he ex­pect­ed to be killed in­stant­ly. But his life had been spared through the sing­ing of the hymn. Their spears had dropped, and they re­ceived him first with cur­i­o­si­ty and in­ter­est, and then lat­er with ea­gern­ess, as he told them the gos­pel sto­ry and won their hearts to the will of Je­sus Christ."

***Be advised the music starts playing as soon as you click the link.***

Friday, May 29, 2009

"Famous Feasts in History: The Last Supper of Jesus"

What was on the simple menu at the Last Supper? (Besides the Bread and Wine, of course!) This fellow seems like he might have a pretty good idea.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"'Jesus of Nazareth': Sermon on the Mount"

One of my all-time favorite movies is Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth. Here is the 'Sermon on the Mount' scene, with Robert Powell portraying the greatest role anyone might aspire to. Spine tingling. Enjoy! (And I HIGHLY recommend this film to anyone who hasn't yet watched it.)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Jesus Was Savior for the Animals, Too"

I never have really pondered it before, but Jesus loved animals, too. He did, by default, save the lives of countless otherwise sacrificial animals with His own Sacrifice. What a gentle, loving King.

Friday, May 22, 2009

"The Life of Jesus"

Here's one of the best concise info pages about the Lord that I've seen yet. Scholarly, yet very readable. I found it most enlightening -- for example, I guess I didn't know that followers of John the Baptist left him (with his hearty blessing, no doubt) to become some of Jesus' 12 disciples. I really need to re-read the New Testament, and I am going to start today!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"The Names of Jesus"

Jesus is known by many names. It seems there just aren't enough words to describe the magnificence of the Holy One, but this article does a very nice job of trying to list all the most familiar ones. (My favorite, as you can probably tell by the blog address, is "Light of the World," which He truly is.) PRAISE TO HIM TODAY AND ALWAYS!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"What Would Jesus Eat?"

... Evidently a variation of something called "The Mediterranean Diet," and it's a corker, too. Maybe we could all get physically healthier (to go along with spiritual recovery) by also following His example in this area? -- Just a thought.

An old article but a good one.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"A Biblical History Quiz"

Here's a Bible quiz focusing on the New Testament, comprising 10 direct and thought-provoking questions.

I thought I knew more about our favorite Book than I evidently do! -- Which leads me back to more in-depth Bible study. -- Which I love.

Friday, May 15, 2009

"Did Jesus Have the Same Physical Body After His Resurrection?"

Here is a short but enlightening discussion on a topic I have often thought about myself.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Jesus, the Revolutionary"

When Jesus walked the earth -- He roused rabble, pushed comfort zones, broke the 'law,' and challenged people to step back and really look at the way they were living.

He so challenges us today ...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"The Trial of Jesus"

Google describes this link as: "A collection of primary documents, essays, ancient texts, maps, photos, paintings and other materials relating to the trial of Jesus of Nazareth."

VERY informative site that helped me understand what it really must have been like.

~Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.~

Friday, May 8, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Just Give Me Jesus"

Behind a simple cross at the center of a circular platform, Anne Graham Lotz clasped her hands, bowed her head and waited for women whose hearts were touched by the simple message she shared to come to the altar.

Lotz, the daughter of Billy Graham, smiled. There was no fanfare at Veteran’s Memorial Arena in Jacksonville April 24 where nearly 7,000 women gathered on the first night of a two-day revival. Instead, the powerful worship music of Fernando Ortega filled a nearly half empty stadium where two banners hung high and Lotz shared the Gospel message.

“Just Give Me Jesus”—the revival—drew women from throughout Florida and Georgia to hear Lotz and international author Jill Briscoe.

Friday, May 1, 2009

"The Jesus Film Project"

Wow -- This project results in another person giving their life to Christ every 4 seconds. These folks are blanketing the world with the Good News via their fabulous movie!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Taking Up the Cross Daily

I don't know if this young lady professes to be a Christian, but her actions surely remind me of Him.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Christian Rock Rocks

After quite a hiatus, He has called me back to this blog, so here I happily am. Please check out the link below for all things pertaining to Christian rock music. They handle prayer requests, too.